Final Day/Conclusion

I spent the entire morning today plugging into an excel spreadsheet for the RTP Directory for cold calls. Just for a bit of reference, that’s over 261 companies to write the info down for. Since it’s such a huge project I didn’t finish it in 2 days, but I did complete all the phone numbers as well as the company names. Sarah will take that work on in my absence. In the afternoon I visited a site with Taylor and I got to meet the third Musketeer/contractor, Dan. I also met with Tim again in order to say thank you. I returned to the office and thanked Mr. Sanchez with the gifts from CA, and then went on my merry way.

My conclusion from this experience is that not having a degree can really suck. I felt that the work I did any two bit worker could complete, so i didn’t feel like I was contributing all that much. It was also a little disappointing to not have work at some times. This isn’t TriProperty’s fault by any means, but it is a bit of a buzzkill when I spend half the day with nothing to do, even while asking everyone for work. Final Word: The work was not the most gratifying, however the people I met and the knowledge I gained are indispensable and it was an experience well worth my time.

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