On the final day, we met with Dr. Laber in our new favorite conference room to start off the morning. Except today we did not start the morning off with confusing math terms, variables, and formulas. This morning we concluded all the lessons in stats we have had, and we talked about the overarching applications of statistics and the field as a whole. We ended up just chatting with Dr. Laber about his life and his high school experience, which was also very interesting because he was the opposite of a focused student, yet managed to turn it around and be as incredible successful as he is today. It was quite interesting to hear. Our final task to complete was typing up a finalized version of the algorithm for completing and solving BoreDoom that Luke and I worked on yesterday. After being slightly confused, yet finishing and editing the typed up document, we got hungry for lunch. We went to Queso Monster, the food truck on NC State campus that day with Lindsay Callihan and hung out closer to Centennial Campus for a little bit before returning to the BOM one last time. In the BOM we met up with Rob, someone who has worked with Virtual Reality his whole life. Rob might have been one of the most accomplished people I have ever encountered. Working with the CIA for 15 years, working with the DOD, doing Virtual Reality surgeries for Medical Clinics, NASA, the DOD, and the CIA funding a grant for him to get his doctorate, and doing VR for NASA directly he has travelled to nearly every place you can imagine and talked to us about all of these different experiences he has had. Now working with Dr. Laber at NC State he said after all of it he would really enjoy just hanging out in one place for a little bit and getting invested in Cary, NC. Overall, it was really incredible getting to meet all of these people who are so accomplished so early, and even those that have already led a full life with accomplishments.