Day 8 – Last Day

I started out my day today meeting with Allison Boomer, a communication executive and three other marketing interns. We looked at ads and talked about how we could revise and change them to make them even better. The ideas that Allison came up with were very interesting, and like none I have heard before. Something as small as making a line with a curve at the end, completely straight. It was very interesting hearing what they all had to say. After the meeting, I met with Fareena, a HR intern. One of the projects that she has been working on is getting the hashtag #SASInternLife, to go viral. I gave her some ideas about using all social media platforms, and how Instagram might not be the best one because most people are private. We also worked through how to motivate the interns, maybe with some sort of prize to the winners? Kids seem to love competition. After I did this, all of the Cary Academy students met up with Kayla in one of the meeting rooms and we had a pizza party. We reflected upon our time at SAS and had a SAS career panel. This panel talked to us about their transitions from high school to college, and then from college to the real world. All of them were members of the YPN (Young Professionals Network) at SAS, and talked about their lives and college changes/major changes.

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