Today we met in a Panera to do a bit of computer work. There were loots of open rooms in rentals Tiffany manages, so we put together images and I wrote a description of the properties to post adds for on websites like craigslist. Although this isn’t typically how one advertises real estate, the less expensive properties typically sell easier when there are adds on websites like craigslist. There were many photos to upload, so hopefully Tiffany will get real, interested tenants. Tenants also must se the sight before signing a lease when they are looking on the web for rentals. Doing so protects the tenants from potential fraud. After we worked on our computers for a while, we had a a rental showing in Raleigh. Because rental properties are typically smaller than homes and not nearly as permanent, the showings are quicker and the customers sign on faster. Although a smaller commission, there are many more quick rental transaction possibilities in contrast to large, long home deals. We ended the day with an office inspection for the Cary office Tiffany intends on purchasing. It was bittersweet ending this internship with Tiffany, as I have absolutely loved my time here and I have learned a lot. I would absolutely recommend working with Tiffany for any rising WEP students who are looking to go into real estate!