Day 7: Rehab Bars

Once again, we had many of the same patients today. With some of the patients, we used the rehab bars in the clinic. Typically, we use the rehab bars when working on balance exercises with the patients, and sometimes with strengthening exercises, so that patients have something to hold on to if they lose their balance. Jeffrey had a patient today that did calf raises, leg swings with weights, toe raises, and other balance work in the bars. One of the balancing exercises Jeffrey had the patient do was to stand with one foot on a less stable blue disk-shaped ball and with one foot on the ground in a sort of stagger stance. Jeffrey then held a soccer ball out at different places for the patient to reach out to and try to touch. This challenged that patient’s balance and gets the ankle working, trying to compensate for all the movement and wobbling that occurs while trying to maintain balance. Next to the bars are a lot of equipment that we tend to use with patients (depending on what they need). We keep balls, like the soccer ball Jeffrey used, on the racks there and we keep balancing tools, like the disk-shaped ball, the foam board and the bosu ball in that corner as well. Typically, we also have patients stretch their calves in the bars as well using the board seen to the left of the rehab bars in the picture below.

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