Day 7- Diversity and Inclusion

Megan and I once again traveled to Q Building to met with Katie Henry, an HR rep for the Research and Development Division of SAS. Her job was to promote  synergy between managers/workers in different departments. Getting people to work towards the same goal was her primary focus, but also walked us through the process of letting people go. After that uplifting conversation, we reunited with Kristine Stewart who we had lunch with the day before. Kristine headed the Intern Program at SAS, and together we evaluated a variety of resumes. This helped us get a grasp on what exactly SAS looks for in it’s employees and what we should be prioritizing as students and applicants.

It was then we headed to lunch, where we had the pleasure to talk with some NC State Professors of HR and a larger group of their former students. We discussed everything from some new developments they were bringing to their classes, and the state of HR both at NC State and SAS. Lastly, we met with the SAS equivalent of Jason Franklin: Danielle Pavliv. As head of Diversity and Inclusion, she was in charge of promoting the best possible environment for all employees. Currently, she is working on a project to help interns that identify as on the autism spectrum. This led into a meeting with Kristine and Kayla, where we discussed how to improve the mentoring program for summer interns.

~Kevin Lou Chen

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