Day 7 – The State Crime Lab and More!

Today I was able to experience a variety of things. This morning, I went on a tour of the State Crime Lab, where we saw various laboratories within the building and learned about the multi-step process involved in solving different cases. The tour of the lab was probably one of my favorite things I’ve gotten to do thus far in the program!

Outside of the State Crime Lab.
Displays at the crime lab.
Displays at the crime lab.

After the tour, Mr. Jerry Higgins was kind enough to drive me by a few of the local correctional facilities- such as the North Carolina Correctional Facility for Women and the Wake Correctional Center-  so that I could see some of those institutions and the differences between high and low custody correctional centers.

Sign outside the NC Correctional Institution for Women.
Sign outside the Wake Correctional Center.

Then, after lunch, I tagged along with a group that was tasked with filming an excerpt on the State Capitol Police’s Segway system. They filmed several shots of an officer riding the Segway around the government complex, as well as some footage of the officer talking to or offering directions to some citizens.

Overall, today was a lot of fun and- although I regret that the Work Experience Program is coming to an end- I look forward to what my last day will bring tomorrow.

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