Day 7 – Healthcare Projects and CA Site Visit

SEA Extension Project

Hard to believe today was my second to last day. WOW, I’ve learned so much and have had fun as well. Today was kicked off with a meeting about the Wake Spine and Pain relocation project. This was an interior design meeting, where LS3P meets with the people over at Wake Spine and Pain to go over room by room for what they want and what the codes and requirements are. Because it is a medical project, there are a lot of codes to meet: this needs to have nine feet of room, these have to be special thicker walls, this needs to fit this medical equipment, etc. This however, does make the healthcare projects more of a matching the needs job, rather than a creative design project. The second half of the day, I went back onto Cary Academy’s campus to shadow during a meeting and walk around the site. I would love to share all the information, however this meeting was confidential. That’s right, I am trusted personnel allowed in the top secret meeting! I was however allowed to share some pictures from the site visit, so enjoy these attached photos of the torn up SEA and new extension. Also, stay tuned for my last post tomorrow!

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