I did not have to arrive at the General Assembly until the late morning, as the earlier hours were lacking with legislative activity. When I entered the building, I found Sarah in the 1100 court, where she was waiting to meet with Senator Dan Blue, the Democratic minority leader, about cash bail reform. Various other lobbying organizations were in his office–including a college political group and black sorority–but we were not waiting for long. We were soon seated across from Senator Blue as Sarah explained the specifics of cash bail. Senator Blue is definitely on par with the ACLU about this issue and will be a champion in the weeks to come.
Following the meeting, I wandered around downtown Raleigh and met my friend for lunch. We enjoyed a quick meal of Happy and Hale (I ordered a wonderful smoothie and a vegan, gluten free brownie) and then I headed back to the legislative office building to debrief a bill concerning abuse in prisons that had been introduced in the general assembly. The ACLU found this bill problematic because it further criminalizes those with mental illness and does not respect personal bodily autonomy. The ACLU had partnered with other reform groups from across different political ideologies, which was interesting to witness, especially in this divided political climate. Overall, it was another enlightening and relaxing day!