Day 7

Today was my first day at the Triangle Veterinary Referral Hospital. I arrived at around 8am and met up with Katrine and Madi S. shortly after. The first thing we did was join everyone in rounds by listening to the updates about the animals who had stayed overnight. Our first consult of the day was for a dog in very poor condition. The dog had an equivalent of stage 4 cancer which was restricting it from going to the bathroom. The dog hadn’t eaten or drank anything in almost a week and was vomiting multiple times a day. The family decided to put the dog down that day to end all suffering. It definitely was not a good way to start my first day, but it is apart of the job and is good to experience. Our next consult was much much better. The dog was very upbeat running around the office, but unfortunately was healing from some fractures that had occurred the week before. While the doctor talked to the dog’s owner, we got to sit and play with the dog which was a good turnaround from the last appointment.

We then watched an amputation surgery. I know this sounds very sad, but we were reassured that the dog would feel significantly better after having the operation. After lunch, nothing big happened we just wandered around seeing all the little things going on around the office.

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