Day 6- Journals

Today I set out on making a new reactor, sort of. I was going to find a new reactor to create, but by the time we would have ordered the materials I would be long gone. I did, however, read plenty of papers on various different experiments and had to determine which potential candidates were 1) reliable, 2) cheap, and 3) better at our desired temperature range than our current catalyst. To do this, I had to choose my search terms carefully and vet a lot of articles based on the reliability of the journal they were published in. Easiest way to do this is looking at the impact factor (average number of citations an article published in the journal gets in a year). Mechanical Engineering journals have fewer citations on average than the natural sciences, thus we are looking for something around Impact factor of 7 for a good journal and a likely good article.



Example article I would have to look at and determine whether to read
If I didn’t trust the data from research gate, I could look up the journal elsewhere and see that this journal has a different estimation on springer
Researchgate calculates Impact factor determined on the times an article is cited from their website, and this way I could vet this article

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