Day 6: Counting!

Most of today was spent doing paperwork and helping Nicole (one of the Ph.D. students). She is currently doing a project where she counts the number of Phytoplankton in various water samples. She introduces multiple nutrients to the samples and sees how their presence affects the colonies/population of the Phytoplankton. When I toured the lab before DT, she was in the lab counting the plankton through a microscope. Her project is supposed to last for two summers and two winters, and she is currently halfway through. My job was to help her tally up the numbers on her data sheets. Combined it took us about 3 hours, and I’m just hoping I didn’t mess up the math somewhere along the way.

The rest of the time I worked on the projects from yesterday and helping Ms. Mackenzie work on more Kjeldahl nitrogen tests. She let me be more involved and do a lot of the pipetting (I’ve improved since yesterday yay). As for my organization projects, I got through the NH3 and Nitrate spreadsheets/reports

Image 1 & 2: Nicole’s Tally sheets (I did the furthest right columns & there are probably a bunch of math errors haha)

Image 3: spinning test tubes for the nitrogen test

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