Walk West: Day 6

This morning when I came into the office around 10AM, I had a little time to peruse through the WEP posts from other people. It was intriguing to be able to see what everyone else was doing and what they were taking away from their own individual experiences. After that, I started doing some work for monthly reports for their clients. Each month they create a report that shows how many impressions, likes, clicks, etc. that each of their social media platforms (typically Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube) got. Through one of their applications, they can then compare and contrast their numbers from this month to previous months. This is a good way to reevaluate what strategies they’re using and if they need to change anything to improve. For a quick lunch break, I joined Suki and Luke at a cute coffee shop on campus. We got to catch up with each other and learn more about our different internships. After, I got back to the office for some more work. When I got back, most people were busy with individual tasks and did not have anything specific for me to work on. So, with regards to this I decided to do some research on Communications and Marketing programs at colleges. Being that (obviously) I am at a Digital Marketing agency, that also includes communications, I thought this would be a good time to delve further into it. After completing lots of research, I packed up and headed home for the day.

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