SAS Day 5 – Data and Graphs

Today started as usual at 10:00 o’clock in building Q with all of the CA students. Once we all arrived we went to a conference room where Elliot, a data scientist, helped us all set up student accounts for the SAS software. After that Elliot gave us some background on what a data scientist does and what he likes about his job. After that, we all loaded up SAS studio, software that allows you to program stuff. Even though I have no programming experience Elliot was still able to teach me and all the other CA students how to do some basic programming and code. This was really fun for me because it was very hands-on and I learned a little bit about programming and coding which I thought would very hard but in reality, it wasn’t that bad. Next, we headed to building T for lunch. As usual, the lunch was really good. After lunch, we headed back to Building Q to learn about Visual analytics. First, we had Elliot and his co-worker teach us a little bit about visual analytics. Then they walked us through a couple of examples and taught us how to make our own reports. After that, they set us free and allowed us to make our own visualizations and reports. This was really exciting because I got to see how data scientist create pretty reports to talk about patterns in data. Overall I would have to say that today has been one of my favorite days because it was very hands-on and I got to create my own reports. I am looking forward to tomorrow in finance.


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