Day Four – 5/31

Not to anyone’s surprise, in the morning Luke and I met with Dr. Laber in the well-known conference room. He derived some more equations, talked more about precision medicine, data analysis, and how calculus applies to problem-solving. Although I have not taken calculus, stats, nor did I know what was going on it wasn’t complete gibberish to me. We went on our lunch break and then met Lisa, another worker in the BOM (Bureau of Mines). Lisa, Luke and I went out to coffee and she introduced us to what she does as the main graphic designer on staff at Laber Labs. She showed us all the different tools she uses for design on her iPad and computer, and told us more about her story. Growing up in Cary, NC we had a lot in common and a lot to talk about! She showed us how to use the program Unity, and we got introduced to AR (augmented reality). She showed us museum exhibits she had helped design herself which became a moving picture when a device was held up to the poster on the wall…super cool stuff! She made us each a card with our names on them in big letters, and we played around with the program Unity to create our own AR simulation. With different images appearing, the letters moving around, and the card seemingly coming to life when help up to a computer camera it was really cool to try something like this which I had never done before. After spending most of the afternoon struggling with frustration with the new Unity program, we got maybe half a step towards the right direction in four hours and called it a day. Overall, was really interesting to learn all sorts of new things today!

More complicated calculus…
The beautiful view from the stats department!

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