Today was very relaxed and quick as most of the office was out on a site visit. While the majority was gone, I stayed back due to age regulations (you have to be eighteen to visit a site). One person I spent the majority of the time with was Therese Dean, the head of the Co-Op program. She gave me a lecture on what companies look for on resumes, how to formulate one, what to do at career fair to present myself the best I can, and how to target my extra-curricular activities to my mechanical engineering interests. All in all, this was extremely helpful in teaching me the realistic side of the resume and the practicality of some of the information. After this, I had the privaledge of seeing some old resumes to see if I caught on and then was revealed that I understood the basic premise of it well. Every student I would’ve accepted was on the giant wall of Co-Ops. I look forward to what tomorrow may bring as it will be the first full day as a seventeen-year-old.