Day 6

Today was my second to last day but we still had tons of work to get done. Once stand-up was over, Nathan and I were tasked with creating a program where a user could input a ZIP code and in return the system would print out the time zone they were in. Our original plan was to use the internet and find an API that could do this, and we were in fact able to find one. The issue was that the API would cost money to use more than one time per hour and this couldn’t work because our code was meant to be used for a real customer who would need to access this feature more frequently. Luckily, Nathan was able to find an excel sheet online that had every zip code in the United States and their relevant time zones. We knew how to read the excel sheets on the form creating program, but we ran into another issue: daylight savings. The excel sheet had this included in a separate column, but we had to figure out how to account for this in our code. Luckily, Nathan and I were able to get it working and it was really exciting to have our code work and to know that it would eventually end up in a consumers’ hands. After lunch, there was an office meeting to discuss all the bugs that they needed to fix, and this took some time. Every one of the programmers shared what they were working on and what needed to be fixed next. Can’t wait for tomorrow!

One thought on “Day 6”

  1. Phew, big shout out to Nathan for finding that excel sheet, big time saver! If he hadn’t found it, you may have been working until standup tomorrow! ha!

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