Yesterday at FHI 360, I met with some of the leaders in contraceptive technology innovation. First we met with Dr. Kopf, who is the director of research and development at the Contraceptive Technology Innovation Department. He talked a lot about his circuitous journey to FHI 360. He went from the lab to teaching to the pharmaceutical industry to FHI 360. “Very often, I am told by students that they want to do ‘A’, which will lead to ‘B’, which will lead to ‘C’, and ‘D’. How often does that happen?” he questioned. He told us that as life throws us different curveballs, we shouldn’t be scared. It’s all part of the process.
On a sidenote, I may have taken Dr. Kopf’s advice too seriously yesterday, and explored a little bit too far. The sushi restaurant we ate at offered their plain wasabi as almost all sushi places do, but they also offered a “Real Wasabi” option. I left the restaurant with teary eyes and a stinging nose.