Day 5- First Day At Southern Dermatology

Today was my first day at Southern Dermatology with Dr. Boyse! We started the day at 8:30 and ended around 5, but had 1.5 hour lunch break. Throughout the day we saw over 41 different patients! I saw a variety of things from Molluscums (water warts) to cysts, and even saw Dr. Boyse remove some moles or other various skin to later by biopsied to see if it is cancerous. I also saw Dr. Boyse do a good amount of Botox on people which explain to me how it worked and why you put botox certain places to do certain things. She even pulled of the muscle anatomy of the face and showed me in which muscles she places the Botox for certain patients. At lunch time, a drug representative brought in the lunch for the office which i was informed by the nurses happens often. Then after lunch I saw more full body checks, where they make sure there is nothing concerning, a large cyst be popped (like Dr. Pimple Popper), and many other fascinating cases! I can’t wait until tomorrow.

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