Day 4 – Audio

On my final day here at Trailblazers Studio, I went through the audio department: the final stage of video production. I started the day by sitting in on a meeting with a client. They had brought in a woman to record a voice message to be played on the phone when the client’s company is called. To be honest I always assumed the messages on the phone were computers, but they are actual people. The woman recording had the most soothing voice imaginable and was very professional. The entire meeting and recording only lasted about 30 minutes. After the client and the talent left, I watched Michel edit the audio and ship it off to the company. The whole process was quick but the final piece was perfectly put together. After that I went around the audio department and talked to people about music, casting talent, and actually editing audio. I ended the day with watching a short documentary regarding the Salem witch trials. Sound effects and reenactments played a big role in the show and put it all together. Finally, the day was over and we said our fair-wells over Duck Donuts (because it was national donut day). Overall, I had a great time at Trailblazers and learned so much about the industry


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