Walk West: Day 5

The lovely view of the front office.

This morning kicked off at around 8:30 AM. Instead of coming in at 10, I came early to attend the 9 AM Monday morning stand-up meeting. Today’s meeting was rather short, due to a fairly busy week for the rest of the office. Important items from last week were brought up and then the floor was open to everyone. Following this, I sat in on two other meetings. These were also team meetings, but broken up into small groups based on a certain area or project. Each person went around and discussed what they would be working on for the week to come. After both of these meetings, I started back up with some more research. Backlinks to a site are when another website (that is not the Walk West) links to the actual Walk West page. Having more backlinks to your website is definitely a positive and can give your company more credit. However, some websites will mention your company, but not include a link to your website. I was assigned the task of googling different terms where Walk West may be mentioned and checking if they linked to the Walk West page. Some of them did not and when this was the case, I contacted either whoever wrote the article or just the website in general. I asked them to include a link to the Walk West website. After a lunch break, I started on a task to prepare for an event launch for a client on Wednesday. I went through a list of people attending and tried to find their twitter handles — personal or for their organization. Later on in the day, I actually received an email back from one of the companies I had reached out to about links. They fixed the link and wanted to write an article about Walk West. I found it super exciting that if I had not been doing that research, they may not have reached out to write an article! I’d say it was a pretty successful day.

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