Day 4 – Programming… again

Today started out very similar to yesterday. Once again I was able to start at 9. When I arrived at Bavarian Nordic, I quickly went into the conference room. Janelle told us that they would be interviewing an applicant for a Clinical Trials Manager this morning and that we were welcome to sit in. Kaitlin and I very excitedly agreed. The applicant’s name was Josh and had been in the ClinOps field for quite some time. Kaitlin and I sat quietly towards the end of the table and observed as Bavarian Nordic employees asked Josh a variety of questions. Most of them were the standard interview questions like “what’s your greatest weakness?” and “explain a time where you faced conflict.”

After the interview had finished, we said goodbye to Josh and stayed behind with Janelle and Ms. Handelsman to discuss the candidate. We discussed his various strengths and weaknesses and how he presented himself in the interview. It was very helpful to see the reflection process after an interview. I now feel like I am more prepared for upcoming interviews if I have the chance to do some in the fall. I learned that you should never lie in an interview because they can easily see through it. It is also important to ask lots of questions to show that you have done your research and you are engaged. In addition to this, it is imperative to maintain good body language and eye contact.

Once we had finished debriefing, Kaitlin and I went back to our SAS training. After a couple hours of programming, we stopped for lunch. Midway through my lunch, Ms. Eason stopped to check up on me. It was really cool telling her all I learned. That gave me a chance to reflect a little bit on the last 4 days. Once lunch was over, I went back to my desk for more programming. After a grueling couple hours, I finished the SAS training. I was overcome with joy for a split second until I remembered that I was not done with my training. Erika instructed us to complete one more online lesson dealing with the formatting of data. These chapters were much quicker. Once I was finished, I saved my certificates and headed out for the weekend. It was a very tiring day, but I will have a chance to rest up over the weekend so I can be ready to hit the ground running next week!

This took way more work than it should have…
My beautiful code!!!
I’m CERTIFIED – finally!!


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