Day 4 – More Model Homes and an Open House

Ah Friday! The best day of the week in my opinion and one of the best days of this internship by far. Tommy and I started our day of by driving around to the model homes that we couldn’t see yesterday. We got to tour 3 model homes, take pictures, and talk with the agents responsible for those model homes. Tommy and I had lots of fun as we looked at every nook and cranny of these model homes just like we were buying the homes ourselves. At the end of the morning we got tons of pictures, a list of pros and cons of each model homes, and an experience that I will never forget. After our exiting review of these model homes, Tommy and I stopped for lunch while on our way to a mock open house with Mrs. Burkett. We met Mrs. Burkett at an open house where she pretended like we were her client and she showed us the house. It was very interesting to see what characteristics of the house she would point out and what things she couldn’t talk to us about. So far this week has been great and Tommy and I have learned so much about every type of real estate.

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