Make Dat Money

Day 3 – Today was the final day in finance. When I began, I was a bit worried everybody would be doing the same thing, but I realized that finance encompasses a wide variety of occupations.

The most exciting part was when I shadowed Milinda and Debbie. They showed me the monthly newsletter they use to keep everyone updated, but it was also interesting because I got to see the intersection between statistics and finance. I got a better grasp as to how those skills could be cross applied to say many areas. Debbie majored in stats and began in sales, demonstrating to potential clients the power of SAS tech. Then she moved to finance where she now uses SAS tech to explain abnormalities in SAS’s revenue flow.

I also hung out with the interns for a while.

In summation, finance was kind of the SAS for SAS. SAS goes out into the world, collects data, and then interprets in for their clients. Finance takes SAS’s financial data, cleans it up, and then interprets it for SAS executives.

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