Today was the most laid back day of the experience thus far. After our somewhat of a failure discovering the new developments yesterday, Kristi called the agents at both of the developments (Southpoint Trails and the Meadows at Southpoint) to let them know we were coming. We went to Trails first, where we toured two different model homes (1 and 3 Photos were at that development). The homes were awesome! I liked the first one best due to the light and airy feel, while Natalie preferred the darker, homier one we toured second. After we gained information surrounding Southpoint Trails, we continued down the road to the Meadows. The Meadows featured smaller, lower priced homes that we targeted much more to a starter home level. They, while still nice, were much less stylish than the other ones. We toured these homes in order to gain insight into what the neighborhoods were really about so that when new clients come to town, Kristi will know where to show them. Natalie and I were supposed to meet with a development expert today, however that was postponed until next week, so we got a great lunch at the mall. After lunch, we met Kristi at one of her listings where she showed us how to show a house. One thing that I found interesting was that in reality, it is better to not shove the information down the client’s throats, rather to let them wander and provide information when necessary. It was an awesome day today and I can’t wait for what next week holds!