Day 4 – It’s always the last box

The 4th day of my work experience started off like normal. I got in for the day and helped out around the IS department, helped Mr. Rokuskie box up charging cords, and also attempted to trace discrepancies in the tablet purchase sheets. This all was quite normal until it was realized after a count of the boxes that there was one more tablet somewhere in the wall of boxes that didn’t belong. We counted a few times all 240 tablets but the database had 239 registered. Someone might simply say “well, just register one more in the database”, but we needed the serial number and had to register the specific missing tablet. We spent a while opening boxes and checking for them in the database each one after the other came back as registered. After searching through almost 25 boxes of tablets I opened the last box and pulled out the first tablet. I read the serial number and was about to put it back in the box until i heard “Its not on the list!” and of course we found the tablet we were looking for in the very last box.


(the stack of boxes we searched through)



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