Day 4

My day had an interesting start.  I saw a Lamborghini Aventador in the parking garage.

I started off the day by recalibrating the servo motors on Shihao’s robot, and I also finished installing the driver.  I also had to once again, remake the arms of the robot back to there initial position in order for the programs to work.  These task took about 2 hours for me complete because they were a little bit challenging and complex.

Shihao and I then went to the Duke’s Coinnovation lab to get our 3D printed hands.  Once we got there, we could not find our hands, so we asked a person working there and found out there were 3 Coinnovation labs.  Of course we realized that one hand had printed at one lab, and the other hand had printed at the other lab.  Shihao and I then had an hour of taking the buses around Duke’s large campus and walking in the heat to get our hands.  Overall, I have really enjoyed my first week working at Duke.

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