Day 4

Today was our fourth day at Field2Base. Milen and I began our day by once again attending the development team’s daily stand-up meeting. Then, we talked to Mary and helped create a section of a form for a construction company. We had to use drop-down menus which pulled their options from an online excel file in order to determine the options, and then based on the user’s choice from the first selection, it would autofill another column with a matching response. Once we eventually figured out how to make this form work, we uploaded the form to Field2Base’s QA account and tested the form for any errors on a tablet. Then, we talked to Howard, who holds a similar position to Mary. Then, we started a project that Howard had created for us, using the knowledge we’ve amassed to create a form using more complex forms of all the regions and techniques that we have learned the past few days and this morning. After a few hours of working on this form using forms designer and all the reference materials on the website, we completed the assignment and got the form working in the test environment.

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