Day 3 – Meetings, Deliverables, and Networking

I started off my day bright and early per usual with an 8am meeting with Crystal and Rachele, who focus on roadmapping. I viewed their past quarterly roadmap, learned a little about the process, usage, and plans to digitize into an interactive online format. Later in the morning I also met with Shelly, our marketing consultant. She shared with me a little bit about her job organizing and planning trade shows and conferences. My third meeting of the day was with Mary Edwards, the Senior Vice President, who shared with me a bit about her background, as well as offered me excellent advice for designing and facilitating development in my career. Tina (VP Manager of group) and Liz (Manager of product) also treated Adam (my fellow intern) and myself to lunch today, where we got to discuss a bit about my time here, future aspirations, summer plans, etc.

Upon my return from lunch I met with Beth (Senior Copywriter), who explained her writing, editing, and proofing responsibilities, as well as gave me some advice for writing in a business style. I also met again with Liz to debrief on my visit to HM Document Solutions (the print shop) tomorrow, where the conversation morphed into narrowing down my interests, and consequently making a rough career plan for me. I am very excited for my future plans! In my free time between meetings throughout the day, I worked on updating the HMHS website content from its 2.0 to 3.0 version. I also ended up staying 45 minutes late after work today, where I went up into the tower and got the chance to do some networking with some company leaders!

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