Day 3 at SAS – Last Day in HR

The day started as usual at 10:00 am meeting in Building Q. Instead of meeting with Christie in the morning I met with Allison to learn a little bit about what she does in HR. Allision has a unique job because she works for HR, but she is a marketer. Allison’s main job is to figure out how to best market SAS and all the jobs SAS has available for both students and professionals. After meeting with Allision to learn about what she does we headed to a meeting with the College Recruiting Team to figure out what the would like to have when going to career fairs to present SAS and the available careers at SAS. It was cool to sit in on this meeting and pitch in my ideas about some cool freebies that SAS can have to pass out to students. After this meeting, we headed to building R for lunch. (So far, I have been to 3 of the 5 cafeterias at SAS.) As always, the lunch was amazing. After lunch, we had some time to kill so we went to the SAS warehouse and shipping facility. It was interesting to tour these buildings because sometimes when you are at a company you kind of forget about the logistics and all the stuff that runs in the background of SAS. After the quick tour, we headed to an Intern Expo information meeting in Building V. The intern expo meeting was on an optional presentation that interns can give at the end of the summer of what they accomplished throughout their internship at SAS. It was cool to talk with some of the interns and hear a little bit about their background. After the intern expo meeting, we headed back to Building Q to wrap up our day and debrief on my experience with HR. Unfortunately, today was my last day shadowing HR. It was a little sad because I met so many cool people that were awesome to work with and I will miss them dearly. However, I am looking forward to new adventures in the finance department as SAS.

On stage before the meeting

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