Day 3 at Pentair – I forgot to hit save ://

Today I arrived at Pentair at 9:00am, a little later then yesterday. I felt like a true employee, using my keycard to enter the building. Today was an especially interesting day at the office, as it was “closing day”. “Closing Day” is at the end of every month, where every employee has a lot of work due. The office was quieter in the morning and as people began to finish up their month’s work, the office was filled with chatter. I got to meet a few interesting people, most of whom worked in finance. We talked about a wide variety of things and I even got some advice on what classes I should take in college.


When I wasn’t chatting with the recently freed employees, I had some other tasks given to me by Dr. Rai. First I read over a bunch of documents, to help me understand the project Dr. Rai was working on. I read the manuals of the fish pump, both the 6 inch and 8 inch models. Dr. Rai pointed out an interesting line in one of the manuals that was put in as a little companywide joke, I can’t remember exactly what it said, but basically it explained the company warranty does not protect against any “acts of god”. Ha ha, I can’t believe that made it in there.


After the reading, I went back to work on my Geneva mechanism project. The project was broken into three main steps. The first, which I did the majority of yesterday, was designing and creating each individual piece.  The second step was to bring all the pieces together in assembly, which I did today. I learned more about the software, solid works, and how helpful it is. It was not easy, but I think I can getting better and better as the days have gone on. The final step, which I hope to complete tomorrow it to actually run the mechanism, with an add in called “simulation”. Unfortunately, I forgot to save the new assembly file before lunch, and lost my progress for step 2. I was a little bummed at first, but then I realized it would be good practice for me to put it back together. And sure enough I was able to put the pieces back together in record time! (for me) After I finished step 2, I had some time left over and I was able to mess around with the colors of my creation and decide to go with the classic gold and blue. Right about now would be great time for me to add in a picture of that, but I forgot to take one. Oh well, tomorrow maybe.


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