Meetings, Developments, and More!

Today made yesterday seem like a piece of cake! We got to KW at 9:30 this morning (the normal time) and worked on our independent projects for about 15 minutes before we met with the  team leader (CEO equivalent) Sarah for about 2 hours. Sarah covered EVERY base possible in terms of real estate and becoming an agent. She gave me much deeper insights into development and what it takes to be a developer (the path I hope to pursue) as well as much more. She gave us a great lesson in the necessity of hard work, telling us that if we put our all into it we could be easily making upwards of $500,000 at age 25 (not too shabby!). Sarah then told us about her story and how she began as a development team member and has risen through the ranks, running both a successful team in Charlotte and Durham as of now. Right after we finished with Sarah, we met Kandyce, the coach of the office. While she too gave us insights into real estate, she spent much more of her time explaining the principle of loans and equity, as well as interest. Interestingly enough, she said that we could easily get our licenses at age 18 and start then! Imagine that! She gave us tons of tips to survive HS and College, as well as then giving us tips on how to be successful in life. She said to always have a source of money, which shouldn’t be an issue for her as she currently runs 6 successful businesses! While Kristin wasn’t in the office today, she sent us to go check out some new developments and while today we were not able to tour them, we got to know the area and we are expecting to tour some tomorrow and next week. Tomorrow, we are meeting with the head of development as well as touring a home, so it seems like we will stay busy!!

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