Day Three – My Bosses Are Kinda Cool

Today my day began with a visit to Mecklenburg Representative William Brawley, the author of the bill designed to allow the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School System to establish a series of charter schools. This meeting was very brief yet I watched Ms. Devivo talk about two provisions that her clients would like to see in the bill. Mr. Brawley complemented me on my professionalism but Ms. Devivo told me not to make note of it as ‘he likes to mentor everyone.’ But it was a highlight of my day so I guess I’ll just make note of it here. Then we talked to Representative Craig Horn for a little while regarding the same subject. Afterwards we watched the full Senate debate the charter school bill. I had a great time watching senators get contentious about this bill, and, falling almost along party lines, the bill passed 30 for and 20 against. Afterwards we talked with another lobbyist for a little while regarding our new client.

Ms. Devivo and Ms. Sams acknowledged that today was a rather brief day and that I wouldn’t have that much to write about, so I guess I’ll just write about how cool they are as bosses. I am doing this for two reasons – 1. I gave them the link to this blog and so they can see what I say about them (Hi Ms. Devivo! Hi Ms. Sams! You guys are blog-worthy!) and 2. They are actually really cool bosses. They are especially funny and friendly to me which sometimes makes the days go by a little too quickly. As well they have no problem including me in all of their conversations with all of their clients, legislators, and other lobbyists, which I especially appreciate as it assists me in grasping their complex jobs. Today, even, they both gave me advice on how I should approach my stay at the DOT and after we were done with work Ms. Devivo showed me around the Lieutenant Governor’s Mansion. Thanks y’all!

A Look into Representative Horn’s Office
Swag on 10 from Ya Boyz at the Legislature

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