Day Three: Carnitas & Counseling

Fortunately, day three started off less rocky than every other day thus far! Third time is a charm, I guess! The day that followed was most definitely the least eventful of all of them. The first order of business was to hop into a legislative meeting, house-specific, to discuss the new budget once again. In this particular session and bill, there are no amendments allowed to be made. This was an action instituted by the majority party, and the meeting ran very long as to voiced anger and concerns by the minority party. In total, we sat in the meeting for about 3 hours, and then the UNC student interning for Mrs. Perkinson and I were given the blessing to go out for lunch. We went to an adorable restaurant called Centro, which is owned by the same family that runs Dos Taquitos. It was delicious, and then we headed back to the LOB (Legislative Office Building) for more meetings. When we met up with Mrs. Perkinson once again, she regretted to inform us that the session from earlier STILL hadn’t been completed. The session was supposed to take less than 2 hours, but it was running on 4.5! We had plans to meet with Representative Grier Martin, but we obviously couldn’t as he was in session at that time. We then talked to one of Mrs. Perkinson’s colleagues before being allowed to leave around 3pm, as there wasn’t much else to do.

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