Day 3 with Dragonwing Girlgear

Today I finalized my website and created ads for my website. I met with Ms. Gucciardi at Cafe Carolina to learn about  advertising and awareness. It was very interesting to learn about how different platforms and types affect viewership and quality of ads. I got to look at sites like Mighty girls, and Amy Poelher’s Smart Girls to see an example and learn more about the style and client base I am looking to serve. I created 4 adds on canva using a facebook post template and I will also make an instagram add. It was a lot of fun getting to play around with the colors and testing out different styles and layouts. I tried to make different styles of adds to reach out to a wide audience. I learned a lot more about canva and all of its capabilities. Having only used it before for infographics at school using canva for ads was a much easier and rewarding experience. It took awhile at first to design my ads but once I got in a groove it was much easier. I will hopefully launch my site tomorrow and I am so excited!

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