Day 3

I started the day by working on uploading the driver to Shihao’s robot and calibrating the servos and the robot’s movements.  This did not go so well as I was having trouble getting the robot to move.  After about an hour of diagnosis, Shihao and I think that there is a problem with the driver itself.  Since the driver is software provided by a company in China, Shihao emailed them, and we hope to get a response tomorrow.

Next Shihao had me disassemble the robot into different sections: the forearms, arms, thighs, knees, legs, feet, and body.  Then I had to weight each of those sections and measure the length, width, and height of each piece.   This was a long task, made even longer by the fact that I put the robot back together the wrong way.  The measurements I took today I will use in the coming days to make a udrf file.  This allows me to create a virtual robot that has accurate size and weight to the real thing, so Shihao can do test with it.   I will also use that data to calculate the moment of inertia (I really hope Shihao helps me with this because I have no clue how to do that).

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