Day 3



Today was our third day at Field2Base and it was definitely the best one we’ve had. As usual, the day started with stand-up, where the programmers went over their goals for the day. However, after the stand-up ended, the programmers stayed back for ‘grooming’. Grooming is a process where the developers look at future projects and they each independently rank how long they think the feature will take to add/fix and rate it on a scale of 1-10. Once they all have their numbers decided, they enter it on an app on their phones and show it to each other to make sure they have similar estimates of how much effort the task will take. The issue we went over today averaged a 2, so it likely won’t take too long to resolve. After grooming, Nathan and I met with Mike who writes all the code for Field2Base’s IOS application. Since I was asking so many questions, we ended up talking for nearly two hours. This meeting stuck out to me since I was able to see all the code that goes into their IOS application and some of the classes had thousands of lines of code. I found it unique that he had written all of the code and that he was the only IOS developer. I was under the impression that there were multiple people working on writing the software code for the Apple applications. Once the meeting finished, all the staff went to the food truck in the office parking lot (the office has a food truck that comes and serves lunch every Thursday). All the staff ate together today since one of the employees is leaving, and it was nice to get to know the employees a bit better. We ended up talking for a long time, so once lunch was over we came back and met with Mary, who works through customer requests. She showed us more about what her specific role is at the company and then gave us some more forms to practice digitizing. Once we finished up, we headed out!

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