Day 2 – Trip to CA??

Cary Academy Extension Project

Day two was full of some wonderful surprises. In the morning I got to shadow the day to day of a lead architect. This involved going over the design plans in Revit (the architecture drawing software), and calling meetings to see how the project was moving along. I then was very fortunate to be invited onto a job site, and not just any job site, but the Cary Academy Extension Project. LS3P is the company working on the project and today I got to be the first CA student allowed in the off limits construction zone. While at the site I witnessed the raising of the last beam ceremony, which involves the superstitious tradition of being raised with an evergreen tree to scare off evil from the project. This was a really cool event, and we were even provided barbecue to celebrate. From this point I was given an inside scoop on the design plans of the extension, and even got to partake in design discussion about the the space. For the rest of the afternoon back at LS3P I got my first assignment, to research for a product that could actually be used in the CA extension. This was really cool, and I might actually affect one of the choices about the new building! I can’t wait for tomorrow, where I will get to go on site at SAS and learn about a new project.

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