Day 2 – First Real Work Assignment

I started off the day meeting with Liz, who is the manager of product, and Adam, my peer intern in the office. We discussed a bit more about the company on the customer end of things with conferences and trade shows. Then I met with Kris, the senior marketing consultant, who elaborated on surveys during trade shows and conferences. She gave me some surveys from the past conference in San Antonio, Texas which I organized and filed. I then met with Mo, the contract management consultant, who deals with the legal side of the marketing team. There I learned about SOWs and MSAs which are the documents outlined with customers through contract administration and compose a general contract. He also deals with delegate authority agreements, which is the government involvement side of health care. After my meetings ended, I organized some documents and filed them for April, a member of the marketing team. Then I had a meeting with Namrita, the product marketing consultant, who produces Flash documents: a written monthly compilation of new products, trends, announcements from competitor companies or the market in general.

After my lunch break, where I walked down a few blocks to a local restaurant, I returned to the office and had a meeting with Tina, Liz, and Kris. There we reviewed a heatmap, a document which diagrams HMHS’s offerings to customers and prospective customers. Thereafter I wrote a RFP (request for proposal) which is a request send to prospect vendors that could offer potential support to the larger HMHS company. Within the document, I outlined HMHS and RFP review, RFP instructions, HMHS scope of work, all of which are meant to leverage agency support to develop marketing strategy. I wrote the document for the rest of the work day in the office until 4:30, then finished it up in the hotel to email off to Tina and Liz for further review tomorrow morning. I also spent some time tonight preparing questions and organizing my thoughts for my meeting tomorrow with Mary Edwards who is the Senior Vice President of Commercial Markets.

*The second photo is of my schedule, and is meant to demonstrate the dynamic nature of the office, and how fluid and ever-changing meetings are.

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