Day 2

Once again, Nathan and I arrived at 9 AM for our second day at Field2Base. The morning started with the usual Stand-up; however, after today’s standup there was subsequent meeting to discuss what everyone needed to get done in the upcoming weeks. I learned more about how the programming style functions here as they explained their method of breaking down ‘bugs’ in the software code into shorter tasks that multiple people could be working on at the same time to resolve.

After the meeting, Rachel showed us Zendesk which is the program that the company uses to track customer issues. Since the software is still being developed, the customers often run into issues when trying to use newly released versions of the program. The customers can go on the website and submit issue alerts, or they can even request new features. All of these requests filter into Zendesk where Rachel and the staff can work to resolve the issue.

Rachel also showed us a new program that Field2Base is working on that allows companies to send one-time-use forms to customers who aren’t a part of the company. For example, a company who wants to use Field2Base to make their job applications all virtual might use this feature so that people can fill the job application out from their house rather than having to go to the company and fill out the form on one of their computers.

After explaining this to us, Rachel instructed us to install another piece of company software that sent all of the forms to a designated database, so the company could have access to it. Once we got it working, it was time for lunch. After lunch we met with Brendan, who showed us around the company website for about an hour. After this, we wrapped out for the day and headed home. Looking forward to tomorrow as today was really fun!


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