Day 1 at Entigral Systems

I arrived a Entigral A little before 9:30 today and within half a hour I was already working on my first project. I started the day meeting the CEO Mark Self, and the head of fiance. After that Mr. Self showed Brook and I around the office. He gave us a quick overview of his background before explaining to us how Entigral works. Entigral is a software company that is often percieved and acts like a solutions company, this is because they do all their own installations and set up for their software.  Their software allows them to track parts, or finished goods such as cars on a car lot. This trackers can for  one be used identify the authentic of a part or object. Entigral was be trying though to get their product into car lots. Have Entigral drastically improves the efficiency of car dealerships. Mark Self claim that having Entigrals system to help identify where certain cars are could decrease the amount of time needed to by a car to only 45 minutes. Entigrals software also matches idea credit scores to different types of cars. After are overview Brook and I got started right away. Mr self wanted to start on a database containing basic information about all the car dealerships in the state. Upon some quick research we found that their are almost 4,000 car dealerships (new and used) in the North Carolina alone. 6 hours later we had a starting list of about three hundred dealerships and a list of every state’s auto dealer associations the country.

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