Aditya Day 1: It’s Like Sketchup, but a lot harder!

Pentair Day One.

Today was my first day at Pentair. When I first arrived, I was toured around the offices and got my own visitors badge, which I would use to enter in and out the building for the next two weeks. After the “tour”, I sat down with Dr. Rai and the day began. First, she explained what her job is, what Pentair is in general and then the specific project she is working on right now. Pentair is an aquatic engineering company that deals with anything from monitoring water levels to creating water pumps. Dr. Rai’s current project is focusing on a fish pump, that can safely transport fish. She let me read her recent presentation on the project, the one she pitched to the company for approval. I realized that Pentair is quite a dominant company in its respective field! After this was it was already time for lunch, where I ate my food and explored the large vending machine found on the lower floor of the building, safe to say it blows the SEA vending machines out of the water. After lunch, Dr. Rai set me up with a  program called solid works. She explained that this was a software that most engineers of the company used. The software is meant to prototype parts and pieces and is connected to a 3-D printer. It is similar to sketch-up, but a lot more complex! After getting a quick tutorial I was tasked with creating a specific piece. It was definitely a challenging journey, but I felt a great sense of accomplishment once I finished! After this Dr. Rai and I discussed our plans for the week and then just like that it was the end of the day!

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