Day 1 – Introduction to Highmark


I began my day by walking to the Highmark tower, where I was met by Lori Strilka. Lori gave me a brief tour of the two buildings I would be spending my time in; the Highmark tower (FAP) and a re-purposed department store (PAP). I will be stationed in PAP, where I have a cubicle and desk, upon which I was given some samples of products from the marketing team. I met there with Tina Satterfield, who will be my boss over the course of my week in Pittsburgh. She introduced me to many members of the team, as well as got me situated at my desk before dropping me off in the tower where I attended an orientation along with a few new hires.

I am part of the marketing team, which is dissected into two forks; client executives and marketing/branding. Client executives sell and expand for HM Health Solutions through business with clients like Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming, who I will be working with next week. The team here also works with third party vendors to facilitate contracts with companies outside of Highmark.

I was also joined by about 150 summer interns on my first day today (of whom I am the youngest by about 4 years), one of which will be with me in the office on the marketing team also working for Tina. Following my orientation and lunch break, I attended meetings with Jerome and April, who helped me to better understand how the company operates, as well as their roles. I spent the rest of the afternoon completing some filing work concerning a recent convention. I am excited to continue attending meetings and completing  work around the office tomorrow!

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