day four

The morning was spent doing a tedious yet mundane task of catalogingvarious pet store addresses around America. Our supervisor assured us that the information was crucial to their future plans albeit really time consuming to take down the details. Our day got much more interesting when we were invited to sit in on a few meetings. The first meeting was just two people, with one senior team member going over some of the elements of the Pendleton Whiskey client porfolio to someone who was about to join the team – basically just giving them some background information before the new person starts their tasks. Maggie, the senior team member, showed the us and the new person the programs FWV uses such as Slack and Basecamp to organize their workforce. Slack is a really great communication tool that I’ve used before, and it was super interesting to see it within a real business setting. Basecamp is such a powerful tool that I’ve never really heard of, but I guess that’s the point. It’s essentially the “behind the scenes” element of everything that FWV does for its clients. The second meeting we attended involved more of this ‘behind the scenes’ work, for FWV pitched a sponsorship idea to Redbull, which was a huge deal. On social media, we always see and interact with viral content, but we never really acknowledge the process by which it happens. Seeing how a PR firm pitches their sponsorship to a large, prominent company was a really exclusive peek into the business world and how it operates.


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