day 8 :( last one

Today was sad because it was our last day but it was still a lot of fun! We learned a lot about social media by working with Hannah, who works in the digital department. She oversees, posts, and responds to followers on behalf of six different clients. She manages not only Facebook for all six, but instagram, twitter, and pinterest for a few. Considering I am on these platforms all day, it was incredible to see the behind the scenes of the large scale accounts I interact with. It’s more than just numbers – responding to comments and being strategically active all help best represent the brand and appeal to certain demographics. For example, if a brand is trying to appeal to younger people, they might try to make their instagram presece stronger since more young people use that platform. We delved farther into the analytics of these platforms and ended our day with Hallie, our supervisor. She took us how she does social media reports for her clients, which are tedious but provide a necessary visual summary of FWV work for their clients. Throughout our two weeks, we really got to see the different sides of PR and how everything happens efficiently but almost discreetly. People don’t realize how many little details go into brand representation, and it was truly eyeopening to witness this work first hand.

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