Work Experience Day 8

Thursday, June 8th

Sadly, today was my last day at SAS, but it was also one of my favorites. I spent the day learning about the Finance Department at SAS and the different jobs it entails. Honestly, I never thought I would like accounting or taxing, but today I realized that Finance covers a lot more than that.

One of the coolest jobs at SAS, in my opinion, was the head treasurer that kept control of the cash flow for the company. I’m a little bit of an economics geek, so I really enjoyed talking to someone whose main job is to watch the foreign exchange market and look at dows in order to prepare investments with SAS’ money. Below I have a picture of a 3D image he has in his office that basically shows the history of the money market in America revolving around the federal reserve which is very neat. In addition to my meeting with the treasurer, my other favorite part of the day was learning how to do Finance Managment through the use of CDC and OLAP charts in excel. It was interesting to see how different people can view a company through either its revenue or its expenses.

Overall, I had a good time at SAS and I am so thankful that I had this opportunity. I learned so many new things and was finally able to see how the corporate world functions.



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