Day Seven Heaven

On Wednesday I was sent down to the investigations unit and was on call with an agent for crime scenes in Wake County. While the prospect of a super exciting homicide case was awesome, in reality, 80% plus of their cases are property crimes. This includes mainly larceny from auto and residential burglaries. I was all set to go for many adventures, but, alas, we didn’t receive a call until three hours into my shift. Well actually we did, but it was a dialysis patient who had died after refusing treatment for a few weeks and had apparently pooped all over himself. Yikes. In the meantime, the supervisor of the unit decided to show me some “fun” pictures from prior cases. This was a good experience but I think I could’ve gone this week without seeing multiple people having blown their heads off and zooming in on their brains having been smashed to pieces. :/

Finally, at around 12:00 we received a call for an attempted break-in way out by Johnston County. We rolled up in the agent’s cruiser and drove to the scene. After powdering for a few fingerprints and documenting a solid shoe print we drove back to the Detention Center with a quick stop at Bojangles for fuel.

After we got back, she dropped me off with another agent and we headed over to a legitimate break-in in Cary. It was a little weird since the house was pretty close to both of my parent’s houses so I was a tad freaked out. At this scene, they had broken the back door and essentially ransacked almost every room of the house. Since there was so much to do the agent let me powder some areas they likely touched and she would lift a fingerprint if she found one. The best part was the family’s small dog that kept jumping and rolling around me while I was trying to work. I don’t think I have ever been more tempted to pet a dog but I strove to remain professional and maintain respect of this family’s pain.

The most ironic part of the day was that someone from their squad brought in donuts and everyone went craaaaaazy. I guess something about being in uniform makes donuts that much more tempting. I don’t know.

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