Day 8: Goodbye

I can’t believe my time to FHI 360 has come to an end!  To say these two weeks flew by would be an understatement, and I am so sad to leave.

Our morning began with a monthly CTID team meeting, a meeting where nearly all of the team members attend (whether in person or via the phone).  There was an agenda, and we were able to learn a lot about the diverse projects they were currently working on.  There was a round robin, where every member shared one of their projects as well as an obstacle they were dealing with.  It was neat hearing about the various clinical trials taking place across the globe, in addition to acceptability work and projects being held with women in the field.  Dr. Dorflinger led the meeting, but it was a very laid back environment, where each person got to contribute in some way.  The hour and a half flew by, and I found myself immensely interested throughout the entire duration.

Our day ended with a surprise goodbye party, where all of our mentors attended and brought treats.  Hope, Maddie, Caroline and I were extremely grateful, and it was really nice being able to talk to all of the wonderful people we met for one last time.  Relationships were made that will definitely remain in the future, and I for one can assure our work with them has not ended – we even talked about ways we could remain in touch.

To sum, my two weeks at FHI 360 were indescribable, and truly an experience I will never forget.

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