Day 8

Today I was out on air on rock 92 which was so much fun! This morning I had to get to the station early to hand out vouchers again with Hugs, and I got back to the station to listen in on the morning show at 1075kzl with Jared and Katie. At around 925 David, a guy from rock 92 who is on their morning show, two guys named Chris, walked into the 1075kzl studio and asked if I would like to play a game with them on the air. Of course I said yes! Man Kisser Matt, a DJ on 1075 asked me if I was nervous and I told him I’m not. I was so excited that they even wanted me on the air! He explained to me what the game was and it’s called the birthday game. Basically Chris gives the name of a celebrity who’s birthday is either on that day or the day after and everyone else has to guess the age of the star. For every number off of the age you guessed compared to the actual age is how many points you get. The person with the lowest points wins. So I got to play this game on air with the other DJs, the other Chris, David and Biggie. The celebrities that were named were Johnny Depp, some basketball player that I have never heard of, Michael J Fox, and Kenny G. The DJs were surprised that I knew any of them at all because I was so young. On the show I was called the Job Shadowing Teen and playing the game was really fun. I came in second which all of them were surprised at, they thought I would lose. After I got a free t shirt from rock 92 which is awesome, I love free stuff. Everyone in the office said I did a really good job on the radio being as I had never been on the radio before. They said they were surprised I did really well as were the DJs. Overall I had such a great time at both stations and I am so thankful to have to opportunities that I experienced. I had so much fun and did so many different things. I am happy that I did the work experience program because it was a really good learning experience.

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