Day 8

Today, I went to the IT department. The cool parts of the day was when they showed me the virtual reality simulators they had, and let me use it. I had never done it before, and the feeling was unreal. After I got to play on that, our host took me on a tour of the executive floor. I had already been there when we were with marketing, but we had only seen a small section of that floor. Because our host was the personal IT guy for the executives, he was our pass into the executive offices and the rest of the floor. At the end of the tour, he took us to the balcony which lets you see the entire front of building C as well as the construction of building A. Again, when I was up there it, the landscaping and how nice the campus is really hit me. I’m sad that this incredible program is coming to an end, and the things that I have learned is going to be super helpful as I move on into the future.

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